You can now watch The Return of the American Patriot: The Rise of Pennsylvania
If you already purchased the film or are an ANNUAL subscriber, you can watch it at the link below.
Check out this important production and don't miss our LIVE discussion.
🇺🇸Watch this LOCALS EXCLUSIVE clip from my Insiders Club discussing China and my perspective on the rising multipolar order and how it may differ from other commentators! Join me in the comments for a rigorous discussion!
Become a supporter on Locals NOW and catch the premiere of my movie The Return of the American PatriotL The Rise of Pennsylvania TOMORROW! You will get to be the first group to watch it virtually and be there for a full event with me, the producer, director, and writer! You DO NOT want to miss this!
Absolutely amazingly 2.75 hour interview…please watch and share with everyone you know and get them to #VOTE to save the USA 🙏🇺🇸🙏
Christians and Gun Owners MUST vote if we are going to save the USA and the world from the Globalist Elites trying to control EVERYTHING 🙏🇺🇸🙏